Friday, October 17, 2008

Response to Religious Literature: The Gospels

Jesus’ bloodline is confirmed. There are 14 generations between Abraham and David, 14 generations between David and the exile to Babylon, and 14 generations from the exile to Babylon to the birth of Jesus.
When Joseph learns of Mary’s pregnancy he wanted to divorce her. An angel informs him that Mary was touched by the Holy Spirit.
The 3 wise men visit to Bethlehem alerted Herod of the birth of the "king of the Jews." This upsets Herod. Herod orders the death of all males born around the time of Jesus’ birth. Hearing this news, Jesus’ family flees Bethlehem. They do not return until Herod is dead.
While growing up in Nazareth, John the Baptist was busy preparing the way. When Jesus was an adult, he went to John to be baptized. Soon after his baptism Jesus goes out to the desert for 40 days and nights.
When Jesus begins to preach he starts to attract followers. While on his journey, Jesus performs many miraculous feats. Jesus sends out his 12 disciples to spread the good news.
The Pharisees and Sadducees are threatened by Jesus. Jesus warns against them. Paul declares Jesus as Christ. Shortly thereafter, Jesus warns of his death.
Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey. He enters the temple and turns over tables and benches belonging to the money changers. Jesus accuses the Pharisees and Sadducees of profiting from God and straying from God’s teachings.
Jesus informs his disciples he will be crucified. Judas agrees to betray Jesus for 30 silver coins. Jesus is arrested in the garden of Gethsemane. Jesus is crucified to the cross and dies on the cross.
Jesus is buried. Three days later he is risen.

John the Baptist is preparing the way for Jesus. Jesus is baptized by John in the river Jordan. The Holy Spirit sends Jesus into the desert for 40 days and nights.
John the Baptist is imprisoned. As Jesus preaches the good news he starts to pick his disciples. Jesus performs many miraculous feats. Jesus starts to have crowds follow him. Jesus pick his 12 disciples. Jesus sends his disciples out to spread the good news.
Jesus feeds a crowd of 5000 with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. Jesus walks on water. Jesus feeds a crowd of 4000 with 7 loaves of bread.
Peter calls Jesus the Christ. Jesus explains to his disciples that he will die.
Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey. Jesus turned over the tables of the money changers. Soon afterward the priests were looking for a way to kill Jesus.
During the Lord’s Supper, Jesus reveals that one of his disciples will betray him. Jesus informs Peter that he will deny Jesus 3 times. Jesus is arrested at Gethsemane and it is known that Judas is the betrayer. Jesus is brought before Pilate. Pilate lets the crowd decide Jesus’ fate. The crowd wants him dead.
Jesus is crucified. Onlookers yell at Jesus and make fun of him. Jesus dies on the cross. Jesus is buried and 3 days later raises from the dead.

Zechariah is foretold of his son’s birth. His son will be John the Baptist. 6 months after John the Baptist was conceived, so it was for Mary with Jesus. John was born first and Jesus was born second.
John the Baptist prepares the way for Jesus. Jesus’ bloodline is established and he is baptized. After his baptism, Jesus goes out into the desert for 40 days and nights. In the desert he is tempted by Satan.
During his journey, Jesus perform many miraculous feats. Jesus sends out his 12 disciples to preach about God’s Kingdom. Peter calls Jesus the Christ. Jesus sends out 72 other disciples to spread the word. Jesus gives many lessons on a variety of subject matter.
Jesus give his disciples a warning about his impending death.
Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey. Jesus enters the temple and chases out the money changers. At the last supper, Jesus warns of betrayal and his impending death. Jesus is arrested at the Mount of Olives. Judas was the betrayer. Jesus is crucified on the cross. Jesus dies on the cross. Jesus is buried and rises from the dead 3 days later. Jesus appears to his disciples and allows them to see him lifted into heaven.

The Word is God and God became human.
John the Baptist is not the prophet everyone had been expecting. John points out Jesus as the Lamb of God. John the Baptist gives testimony on Jesus’ arrival.
Jesus enters Jerusalem. The Jews do not believe Jesus is the prophet they have been waiting for.
Jesus washes his disciples feet just before the supper. During supper, Jesus reveals Judas will be a betrayer. Jesus informs his disciples that he is the way to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Jesus is arrested. Jesus is sent to stand before Pilate. Pilate sentences Jesus to death by crucifixion. Jesus is crucified and dies on the cross. Jesus is buried. Jesus makes himself seen to Mary, then his disciples, and finally to Thomas.

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