Friday, October 17, 2008

Response to Religious Literature: The Qu'ran

The Most High
Praise God. He is the creator and fulfiller of all. He creates to insure success. He gives life and takes life. You must never forget this. God knows all. He is what can make your life bearable. Remember him always. Those who don’t will suffer. Remember God. Praise him. Life with God will always be better than life itself.

The Resurrection
The day of resurrection is here. The day of judgement is here. Man shall wonder what his fate is. He will be confused and beg God for mercy. He will stand before God and judge himself. He will be reminded how he chose life over God. Man does not heed God’s calling until it is much too late. Does man think life is without purpose. God is that purpose.

The Bee
Glory to God. God warns man of his existence. God informs man that he is the creator of all. There is only one God. Why do you turn your back on God? Why don’t you believe in God? You will know God exists on the day of the Resurrection. Those who did not heed God’s calling will rest in hell. For those who did, they will be with God. God has no pity for the man who chose to ignore God. There are always reminders. Why does man ignore the obvious? God is the creator. Worship God. Man only cries out to God in times of danger. After God intervenes man forgets him. You will pay in the afterlife. God has given you everything. Yet you run from God. Make amends with God. He is merciful.

The Cow
This will protect you from evil. Those who believe in God will be with him in the hereafter. Those who do not believe will suffer. You may lie to others but you cannot lie to God. Remember all that God has done for you. Do not doubt him. God was there with Adam. Adam was a believer. Always turn to God. Join God. Stop being an unbeliever. All of creation is your proof. God rewards those who follow him.

The Women
God created man and woman. Man and woman are bound to God and bound to each other. Men may marry up to four women. If he cannot be just, then marry one. Inheritance is equal amongst man and woman. The greedy shall be taken care of. Only those who are evil need to repent before God. Man, respect your woman. Man, take care of your woman. God knows all. All is judged by God. Whatever good comes to you comes from God. Whatever bad comes to you comes from yourself. Fight the good cause for God. Kill the unbeliever that tries to make you stray from God. If you are killed, your killer will go to hell. Be true to God. Stay away from the unbeliever.

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